Im at my hometown right now! Yes, live from Kelantan. Updating via my iphone is just like hmmmmm! I dont know how to manage to let the picture at the centre. Pleased me for this ok!
Ok, back to the story!
My one-year-and-ten-month old son was performed a solat (not a complete one) beside me for zuhr prayer! Allahuakbar! This is significant memory to share at this medium. I always envy some people yang attach picture at social media, menunjukkan his son/daughter performed a solat. I always worried, is it my son can do this too while im praying! Means, ikut/tiru aku solat jugak when i was! Yes, sejuk mata tengok kan. Walaupun seksi! Hahaha! 😝 Worrying-mommy now came to the end while watched his son performed a solat and duduk tahhiyat akhir lipat kaki like a complete one tapi kaki kiri. SubahanAllah, my tears dropped! 😭 Allah dengar doa ummi. Walaupun ummi jauh tak dapat didik Ammar, but Ammar di didik dengan baik oleh tokma. Moga Ammar jadi anak soleh untuk ummi, pa dan abi. Also a soleh cucu for tokma. A great nephew for your uncle and aunties who really loves you eternally! Ummi doa moga you always blessed by Allah. No matter what happened, whoever you become one day, wherever you are, whatever you will be achieved in your life, ummi always du'a that you will be always down to the earth. Sujud pada yang Esa setiap masa dan ketika dalam bahagia mahupun derita. The power of du'a, ummi believed it my dear son.
Ummi loves you. 😘 You really made my day! Nothing can describe my feelings right now. Lihat dia buat hati dan jiwa tenang dan gembira. To those mommy out there, this part mungkin biasa bagi mereka but for me isn't. This is really great memory ever! 😊
You really teach me how to be a mommy! I learn a lot from you, Ammar.
Kampung Padang Tengah, Ketereh, Kelantan.
14 May 2016
3.00 pm
Assalam. hi, sorry sebab comment dekat post yang tak sesuai. saya terjumpa post akak pasal teknologi makmal perubatan tu, nak comment kat post tu macam dah lama sangat. so saya comment sini harap akak baca�� saya nak tanya pasal course tu�� saya baru 18 and maybe nak ambik course tu. nak tanya, course tu okay tak? saya risau tak boleh bawak. sebab result saya masa spm pun hmm boleh la~ and result subject science mmg takda yg A pun. paling tinggi pun bio, tu pun b+ huhu. course tu kena result chem bio gempak gempak ke eh���� harap akak dapat replyyy cause i really need help. tak tahu nak tanya siapa dah cause i dont know anyone yg ambik this course����
ReplyDeleteHai dik. Insya Allah okay je. Boleh bawak insya Allah. Sbb nanti kita belajar baik semua benda. Pastu subjek ajar ikut semester. Tak mcm spm, exam topik form 4 and form 5 sekali. Ni tak, sem tu kita belajar apa, itu lah yg keluar exam. Nota2 pulak simple2 mudah nak ingat. Ada amali dalam lab apa yg kita belajar jadi mudah ingat.
ReplyDeletehii thank you sebab reply�� course ni lebih kepada bio ke? saya risau jugak huhu tapi takda rasa minat sangat kat course lain so ingat nak ambik course ni je. tu pun tak confident, hmm result spm salah satu sebab nya lah kahkah
ReplyDeleteWelcome. Any further question boleh tanya di
DeleteSeronok baca kisah2 akak, ammar sihat ke..nk baca lagi kisah2 akak, ada soalan ni sepanjang akak kerja juruteknik ni, brp byk akak boleh spend masa dgn family, dgn suami, anak2..maksudnya dalam seminggu atau sehari berapa lama..Maaf soaalanya gini, hehe..jgn lupa update lagi ye akak..